Got Some Office Cleaning to Do: Here Are Key Tips & Tricks!

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 A clean office environment is critical for higher productivity in the workplace, but shared office space tends to become dirty as workers focus on their jobs rather than clearing their desks or wiping up any spilled coffee. When this happens, you risk losing interested clients or disinterested workers, which decreases overall productivity.

Office Cleaning

While it’s easy to overlook office cleaning, it’s tough to ignore how important it is for the success of a business as a whole. Here are some key tips and tricks for cleaning your office and keeping it that way:

Create A Culture of Cleanliness In the Office

When every single employee has a working understanding of why a workspace should be kept clean and they take extra steps for common areas to stay clean, then office cleaning will happen much smoother. Explain to all new employees that being tidy is a crucial part of their responsibilities. Make sure that you are not too harsh or disciplinary about cleaning; instead, make it fun for everyone. The entire team should pitch in and help out.

Encourage a clean and organized workstation by giving out positive feedback to those who keep their workbench clear. Make it a point to compliment coworkers on keeping their area clean, and let them know that you are thankful to have a workspace that is visible and clean.

Dispose of Trash Daily

A trash bin filled with garbage is an awful sight, so make sure to take it out every evening to avoid that. Who wants to see a stinky bin? Every employee should have a bin for trash at their desk; they should also be responsible for combining it with main office trash when the time is right.

A good rule of thumb is to empty the wastebasket when something that has food scraps and/or is wet gets thrown inside.

Give employees the discretion to decide who will be taking the trash out. Rotation can be weekly, daily, or whatever makes the most sense for everyone. The point is, the trash has to go out every day! What kind of client would trust an office that smells like garbage?

Have Cleaning Supplies Available and Easy To Access

Cleaning supplies should be provided at every worker’s desk so they won’t feel obligated to shell out funds from their own pocket for supplies. Otherwise, they may start to resent the boss for making them clean their desk and buy their own cleaning supplies to get the job done. Having cleaning supplies in ready supply may seem like a bit of a luxury, but it will encourage more cleaning than would otherwise be achieved. 

Common areas should have:

  • Brooms
  • Dish soap
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Dustpans
  • Glass cleaner

Someone that makes a mess but can’t find the supplies will likely leave it for someone else, using the excuse that they have more pressing things to attend to. By giving your employees the means to clean, they will do so, making the office cleaner as a whole.


Cleanliness is important in any setting, especially offices. However, it can often be overlooked due to the work that needs to get done. Key tips and tricks for office cleaning include daily trash disposal and creating a culture of cleanliness.

Need commercial cleaning services in Edmonton? Reach out to Diamond Cleaning Services! We provide janitorial services and commercial cleaning services for commercial builds and offices in Calgary and Edmonton, AB. Book with us today!

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