Telltale Signs to Know That Your Gutters Need Cleaning

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Your gutters need to be cleaned regularly to avoid water damage, mildew, and expensive repairs. If you have not had your gutters cleaned in a while, they may already be filled with all sorts of organic material that can cause damage to your home. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to call a professional gutter cleaning service.

Telltale Signs to Know That Your Gutters Need Cleaning

1 – Water Staining

Water staining on your roof, siding, and lower-level windows is one of the most common visible signs of a clogged gutter system. Sometimes, this staining can go from the roof to the lowest level of your house. You will have to keep a close eye on your home so you can tell if you have water damage before it happens.

2 – Vent Pipes Clogged

Vent pipes and drains can also get clogged up, which can cause gutter flooding and water damage to your home. If your vents are clogged, your home can begin to smell mouldy. A clog in your vent pipe can cause water to back up into your vents and downspout. This can cause overflowing gutters, mould, and an unpleasant indoor odour.

3 – Basement Water Damage

Basement water damage can be a hidden consequence of a clogged gutter system. If your gutters are clogged and not draining correctly, the water will back up and cause water damage to your home’s lowest level. If you’ve noticed backup water in the basement, it’s time to call a gutter cleaning service immediately.

4 – Sagging Gutters

Gutters that are overloaded with debris and dirt will sag in areas because they are no longer able to carry the weight. The sagging gutters will look like they are ripped or sunken in one area. This is a sign that water is not draining correctly from your home. The more the gutters sag, the more water will back up and cause water damage to your home.

5 – Overflowing Water

Gutters are designed to allow water to drain out of your home in the most efficient way. If your gutters are clogged, water will back up in your gutters and cause flooding on your property. You will be able to see this overflow of water as it begins to gather in a pool. Your gutters should be cleaned at least once a year to prevent this from happening.

6 – Insect Infestation

Overflowing gutters can attract insects and other pests. This can be a very unpleasant side effect of a clogged gutter system. If you have noticed a bug infestation in your home, it’s likely because of a clogged gutter system. When your gutters are not working properly, water can back up and rain down your roof, which can cause these pests to come inside.

7 – Worn Pipes

Over time, water overflow can damage your home’s very foundation. If your gutters have been clogged for years, your entire gutters system may be damaged beyond repair. If you have noticed that your gutters are dripping, it may be because of a worn-out gutter system.


If you notice any of these telltale signs of a clogged gutter system, it’s time to call a professional gutter cleaning service. Your gutters need to be cleaned regularly to prevent any of these problems. Homeowners Insurance may cover the cost of a gutter cleaning if your gutters become damaged.

Should you be in need of gutter cleaning services, contact Diamond Cleaning Calgary. Diamond Cleaning Services provides commercial cleaning and janitorial services (e.g. high ceiling dusting, window cleaning, and carpet cleaning) for offices and commercial buildings. Among the professional cleaning maintenance services that we offer include complete janitorial services, post-construction cleaning for new or remodelled buildings or office spaces, carpet cleaning, high ceiling dusting, window cleaning, stripping and waxing and power washing.

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