What Causes Bathroom Mould & How Can You Prevent It?

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A clean bathroom is essential if you want comfort and safety in your home. However, if you are not careful, moulds can impact your bathroom.

What can make mould show up? How can you prevent it? Keep on reading to learn more before calling for commercial or residential cleaning in Calgary.

Causes for Bathroom Mould

Before considering preventative measures, you must know what causes the mould spores to show up. Here are some of the reasons that can cause bathroom mould.

1. Moisture

Bathroom mould is caused by moisture. You need to be careful that your bathroom does not get too dry or wet. The moisture level in your bathroom should be between 40% to 60%.

If it is too dry, moulds will start to grow in the bathroom. If it is too wet, then moulds will grow in the bathroom.

You need to ensure that the bathroom does not have too much humidity or moisture before you clean the bathroom.

2. Water

If you do not dry your wet towel, it can cause mould growth. The same applies when you do not dry the bathtub properly.

You need to ensure that your wet towels and bathtub are dried within a few hours. Otherwise, you might start to smell the stench of wet towels in the bathroom.

3. Lack of Ventilation

Bathrooms can trap moisture if they lack proper ventilation. A typical example of this is when you keep the cabinets closed.

The cabinets will trap moisture inside, so the mould will have plenty of time to grow on the bathroom walls.

Closing the cabinets will not only trap the moisture, but it will also trap the odours, which results in a smelly bathroom.

Ways to Prevent Bathroom Mould

Now that you know the causes of the bathroom mould, you can start to prevent bathroom mould with the following tips.

1. Fix All Bathroom Leaks Immediately

Knowing the causes of bathroom mould will not be useful if you ignore the bathroom leaks.

A leaky bathroom fixture will lead to moisture. The moisture will then lead to the growth of mould. Thus, you need to fix the bathroom leaks immediately.

2. Use a Squeegee

You will need to dry your bathroom properly if you want to prevent mould from growing.

One of the best ways to ensure that the bathroom is completely dry is to use a squeegee. You need to squeegee the bathtub, the walls, the glass doors, and the showers. This ensures that no moisture will remain.

3. Keep Your Shower Items Dry

You need to fix your shower curtain so that it can easily dry the water. Ensure that you clean your shower curtain regularly and hang it out to dry.

Keep your personal care products dry by storing them in a dry place. Do not store them in the cabinet. Not only will they smell but they will also encourage mould growth.

4. Use a Grout Sealer

If your bathroom is susceptible to mould, then you need to seal the grout. Grout tends to absorb moisture so you need to be careful.

Choose a grout sealer that has a vapour-retardant seal and it should also be waterproof. These types of grout sealers keep the moisture out.

5. Use Your Bathroom’s Ventilation Fan

Bathrooms can get rather humid. This is especially true if there is no ventilation in the bathroom. If you do not use a bathroom fan, then you might have problems with humidity in the bathroom.

A bathroom fan is essential if you want to avoid bathroom mould. A bathroom fan will eliminate the humidity and moisture in the bathroom. Thus, it is essential that you buy and install the right fan.

Final Thoughts

Bathroom mould can be a health hazard especially when it grows on the walls. You can use these tips to prevent bathroom mould and allow you to have a clean and safe bathroom.

If you’re worried about bathroom cleanliness and you need experts handling it for you, hire Diamond Cleaning Calgary. As the leading professional cleaning services in Calgary, you can expect high-quality services and expert cleaners when you work with us. Book an appointment online today to see the Diamond Cleaning difference.

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