What Should I Clean Daily, Weekly, and Monthly?

Great Stress Reducers for the Busy Family
June 27, 2019
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If we don’t do cleaning in our homes on a regular basis, then the work piles up and the house quickly becomes unlivable. One way to make things manageable is to divide the cleaning to be done by daily, weekly and monthly chores. This way, you are not overcleaning areas of the house that only need to be cleaned every so often. You are also not forgetting the things that need to be cleaned but that you don’t do regularly, so long as you use a list and stick to it. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Daily Cleaning Schedule

It’s a good idea to clean the kitchen countertops every day, as these are food preparation surfaces that will affect the cleanliness of your food and will affect your family’s health.

You may also want to wipe down the bathroom sink and the toilets each day. These don’t have to be deep clean jobs, but it helps keep everything healthy and sanitary.

It’s also recommended that you wash the dishes every day. If you have a large family, you may want to run a load of laundry each day as well. If you have kids, then cleaning up toys every day is a must as well.

Weekly Cleaning Schedule

There are a few things you need to do each week in your cleaning as well. We recommend that you do a bit deeper cleaning on a weekly basis. Just choose a day that you have some free time and set that aside as your weekly cleaning day.

For weekly cleaning, you will want to scrub down the stove top and clean out the oven. This not only makes these areas look nicer, but it also makes them more sanitary, prevents cross contamination and prevents fire hazards.

You should also clean the closets on a weekly basis to keep the clothing in there from getting out of hand. It’s easy to let a couple things fall to the floor of the closet every once in a while or just stuff things in there each day when you are rushed on time. Taking the time each week to sort out the clothes can make it much easier to find what you are looking for.

Monthly Cleaning Schedule

You should also have a set of chores you do each month, and you may want to hire a cleaning service for some of these or for the weekly chores. You would usually be saving the more labor intensive work for the weekly and monthly lists, so it makes sense to hire a service for those kinds of jobs.

Monthly cleaning can include tasks like cleaning out the refrigerator, checking the fire alarm, wiping down the fans, and organizing the pantry and cupboards.

With all of these, you will decide what you need to clean for your own home. You can come up with your own list, but hopefully our list here will help to get you started.

Read our previous article for more great info: https://calgarycleaningservice.org/blog/great-stress-reducers-for-the-busy-family/

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